Total Project Cost: PKR 114.96 Million
Barqaab Share 40%
Date of Commencement: July 2004
Date of Completion: June 2009
BARQAAB is providing Consultancy Services as a Joint Venture for Feasibility Studies, Detailed Design, Tender Documents and Construction Supervision of RBOD-III in Sindh Province.
The Services consist of carrying out feasibility studies of Shahdad Kot Unit, preparation of Detailed Design, Tender Documents, Tender Evaluation and Construction Supervision of drainage works.
The Project is located in Sindh and comprises feasibility studies, Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of Shahdad Kot unit drainage disposal of Balochistan, MNV Drain, Carrier Drain and other drains of Indus Right Bank to ultimately outfall into the Indus Link and Indus River.